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Register for our New Arrival Track & get an EXCLUSIVE AuPairCare discount!

AuPairCare Exclusive Price! Use the button below to get $50 off registration for a total of $649!


Questions about this program? Contact Au Pair Weekend!

San Diego

November 8 - 11

Registration Cost: $699

Worth: 60 or 72 hours (Equivelent to 6 credits)

Registration closes October 30 but may sell out sooner!


Au Pair Weekend has been a leader in au pair education for 18 years. During that time, we have educated more than 50,000 au pairs from 90+ countries throughout the world! And now our Path to Success Program partnership with AuPairCare will allow us to provide early guidance and education for au pairs who are newly arrived in the United States - at a special discounted price! 

Through a variety of excursions, activities, and engaging in class discussions, this Make a Difference & Discover The U.S. course covers topics like...

Culture Shock

Culture Shock, Stress Management and Self Care. Moving to a new country is a big change! Build confidence as you familiarize yourself with your new surroundings and learn how to navigate the feelings you may be having about your move to the U.S. 

Conflict Resolution

Conflict Resolution. Gain the emotional tools to help you navigate many of the interpersonal issues that might arise between you and the people you meet during your time as an au pair. These skills can help prevent rematches and help you thrive in your new environment. 

Global Connections

Meeting Other Au Pairs. Learn how to connect with people who come from different backgrounds than your own. Share your culture with your au pair classmates, and learn about their customs as well. Being an au pair is a very unique experience. It can be helpful to spend time with others who understand it, and to share your feelings about your experience with them. 

History & Geography

U.S. History & Geography.  Get to know the history of the United States, as well the unique history of the city where your course is taking place. Learn about the American Dream and the historical, cultural, and political events that have helped shape it. And familiarizing yourself with U.S. geography is a great way to prepare yourself for future travel across the country!

"Culture shock was an amazing class. It helped me to understand my feelings and made me feel relieved to know that most of the au pairs felt the same when they arrived.”

- Carolina, Brazil


Set yourself up for success! Designed for au pairs who are still early in their stay in the United States, this program was created to help you build confidence and better enjoy your time here. Moving to a new country can be hard, and this track was built to help ease the transition.


Plus, it fulfills all of the educational hours required for your J-1 visa! Earning credits early in your visit will allow you to enjoy your time as an au pair without worrying about educational deadlines. 

"Conflict resolution was a great class, because I feel like it helps me not only in better ways to handle conflict but especially helping me in my time as an au pair with the kids."

- Maroche, South Africa


Strengthen your au pair's emotional skills! When students are taught the tools they need to navigate difficult situations, they are more likely to understand their own feelings and those of the people around them. Our courses in conflict resolution, stress management and self-care can lead to a smoother home environment and help avoid rematches. 


Avoid deadlines and late fees! With deadlines looming, it can be expensive to arrange last-minute courses and travel for education requirements. By having your au pair earn their credits upon arrival in the U.S., they will avoid the stress that comes from procrastination. 

"I would recommend this course to any Au Pair in the United States. Not only do you get to learn a lot about the USA, but you get to create strong connections with other goals, and you get to reflect on your experiences as well. It also gives you the chance to embrace your culture, and share it with others."

- Viveka-Jade, South Africa


Sharon Cliff
Path to Succcess Coordinator

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